Monday, September 7, 2009

"Rest not. Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die.
 Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)


Anonymous said...

Happy Labor Day! #4 sure has a gift to leave behind! Hot look with the hat too!

Daddy's boy said...

@ Rosman...and a Happy Labor Day to you too. I like that hat too, as well as that erotic slope of his back as it rises to that oh-so white bubble butt. I'm jealous!

Jill said...

How lovely! Is it wrong of me, but every time I see a bare male bottom I want to smack it (not hard of course, just a gentle little slap)


Anonymous said...

How sweet, DB. Like Rosman, that boy in the cap draws my attention. Very inviting, indeed.

Anonymous said...

the collection of nice

Mr Babel hard ass can said...

After all the origins on my blog, I will concentrat on butts again, these are really convincing. For tomorrow it should be done.
Hugs alex

Daddy's boy said...

@Jill...not wrong of you at all. Actually very erotic. Would you slap my butt?

Jill said...

"Would you slap my butt?"
Of course ;) And give you a little tickle before and after ;D

Daddy's boy said...'re talking my language. ;)

glen_mc said...

That last arse is devine YUM!!!

Anonymous said...

Each a great ass! I'll take anyone home.

Anonymous said...

A man's ASS is the best!! there is no comparison.