Sunday, November 1, 2009

"A man who don't love a horse, there is something the matter with him."
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)


Anonymous said...

Cowboys like to have fun too and by their looks it is going to a lot of HARD RIDING ahead!
Dennis, haven't heard from you for over a week. Are you still with us? Lots of study? Just saying Hi and hope everything is OK!


Sweat said...

Happy Merry holidays from the men at Sweat Under Gear

Anonymous said...

TAke off the jeans, put on short, short kakis,halfway unbuttoned, put on a red neckerchief, cowboy boots and call me!

Anonymous said...

Te extraño mucho, amigo

Duba said...

Hey, first time i'm here and I love it (too gay for me but love the photos)
so do you mind if i'll use a few photos frm time to time?
i'll give you cradit and link to this blog!

Anonymous said...

Gloriously lovely nipple piercings, each point delicately and judiciously adorned within a brilliant gossamer pool, belovèd pecly musculature sublime in its supple sweep and capped by radiant epaulettes of delt. Fantastic.

Jill said...

I really miss the regular updates, hope you're ok

Love Jill

流量王全球網路行銷 said...


serge196 said...

Just discovered your blog today... Wonderful, Thank you

A. Hunter said...

Hello "Daddy's Boy"

Great work with your Collection of Men!
Do u want to make a link exchange?
I already put your link in my list.

My link is:


Anonymous said...

Ride me cowboy!

Sweat said...

great blog - just came across it today and now it is bookmarked...thanks for all the gorgeous men

andrew said...

I love a naked cowboy!!

Sweat said...

love the cowboys - very hot blog -we just found it today and will certainly check it out often. Keep up the great work

Anonymous said...

WOW! Thanks for sharing the sbaps of these great looking men with us. You've done an awesome job with your blog.

europacific said...

très belles photos et excellent blog bonne continuation

Nick said...

hot selection of men, thanks

Male Mutual Masturbation said...

Great collection of hunky men! Thanks for that cool post.

Unknown said...

Dear friend,

Congratulations on your blog that I visit often.
I wanted to invite you to visit my blog and if you want we can
exchange link, which would put me happy.

The name of my blog is OlePlusMen and the address is

It s one new Blog and it s a personal contribution to men: Beauty,
Nudity and erotic art. Not comercial site.

It s a young Blog and Now I have 4000 visits for day.

I hope that you communicate your decision and if it is Ok email-me (

Thank you very much.

Oscar - (OlePlusMen)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous!!!


Dukiwo said...

hey continue whit you blog, i think that is really interesting whit the phrases.

Unknown said...

Nice post!! keep it up..